Standard Interpretations
OSHA requirements are set by statute, standards, and regulations. Our interpretation letters explain these requirements and how they apply to particular circumstances, but they cannot create additional employer obligations. Each letter constitutes OSHA's interpretation of the requirements discussed. Note that our enforcement guidance may be affected by changes to OSHA rules. Also, from time to time we update our guidance in response to new information.
- 1910.120 - What constitutes an emergency response or incidental release of anhydrous ammonia - 10/02/2017
- 1910.120 - "Laboratory setting" and subsequent requirements for Hazwoper. - 11/15/1990
- 1910.120 - 1910.120 Application to Petroleum Product Spills or Releases Subject to State Codes - 07/17/1991
- 1910.120 - 1910.120 exemption for no exposure situations and tiered training requirments. - 05/10/1989
- 1910.120 - 29 CFR 1910.120 Application to Underground Storage Tanks at Service Stations - 09/07/1989
- 1910.120 - Academic training considered as equivalently trained for Hazwoper. - 08/19/1991
- 1910.120 - Access to employee exposure and medical records. - 10/29/1997
- 1910.120 - Actively involved; generators; CERCLA 101(33) substances. - 08/06/1991
- 1910.120 - Alarm systems for employee evacuation and/or response. - 12/16/1992
- 1910.120 - Annual 8 hour refresher training for employees who work on hazardous waste sites. - 03/06/1992
- 1910.120 - Application of 1910.120 to cleanup of nuclear and hazardous waste - 04/04/1990
- 1910.120 - Application of 1910.120 to emergency Responders at a nuclear power plants - 01/28/1991
- 1910.120 - Application of 1910.120 to home heating oil. - 10/11/1991
- 1910.120 - Application of HAZWOPER. - 10/31/1997
- 1910.120 - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120 - Application of OSHA’s HAZWOPER standard to homeless camp cleanup operations - 07/30/2021
- 1910.120 - Application of the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response to general industry. - 01/23/1991
- 1910.120 - Appropriate protective clothing for aircraft firefighting. - 04/03/1997
- 1910.120 - Background of standards. - 11/20/1992
- 1910.120 - Boilermakers rebuilding an incinerator in a clean area at a Superfund site - 06/14/1991
- 1910.120 - Clarification concerning the relationship of several paragraphs within the 1910.120 Standard. - 06/23/1989
- 1910.120 - Clarification of HAZWOPER to a cleanup operation at a solid waste management unit. - 07/14/1992
- 1910.120 - Clarification of mobile workers and sanitation facility requirements under HAZWOPER. - 03/11/2011
- 1910.120 - Clarification of OSHA requirements for trainer qualifications under the HAZWOPER standard. - 09/19/2007
- 1910.120 - Clarification of training certification. - 12/30/1992
- 1910.120 - Clarification on first aid requirements for hazardous waste sites. - 04/20/1993
- 1910.120 - Clarification on HAZWOPER emergency response training requirements. - 11/08/1994
- 1910.120 - Clarification on training for firefighters and HAZWOPER. - 03/04/1993
- 1910.120 - Clarification on who must receive first responder awareness level training. - 09/05/1995
- 1910.120 - Cleaning petroleum storage tanks located in tank terminals and refineries. - 12/11/1990
- 1910.120 - Cleanup of blood from crime or accident scenes and HAZWOPER training requirements - 09/06/2019
- 1910.120 - Community response personnel with regards to HAZWOPER. - 02/03/1995
- 1910.120 - Cost of training is the employer's responsibility. - 06/25/1991
- 1910.120 - Definition of "actual field experience" in Hazwoper. - 11/07/1991
- 1910.120 - Definition of a Hazardous Substance. - 11/07/1996
- 1910.120 - Definition of an emergency response. - 06/29/1992
- 1910.120 - Definition of Hazardous Waste. - 05/11/1989
- 1910.120 - Eight hours refresher training per year required specific to job responsibilities at a TSDF. - 05/15/1991
- 1910.120 - Emergency response in the trucking industry - 04/03/1991
- 1910.120 - Emergency response procedures for radioactive materials - 06/12/1991
- 1910.120 - Emergency response training requirements for hospital staff. - 04/25/1997
- 1910.120 - Emergency situations that fall under Hazwoper. - 11/08/1991
- 1910.120 - Employee evacuation in the event of imminent Natural Phenomenon. - 06/26/1991
- 1910.120 - Employees who design and engineer hazardous waste facilities and their coverage under 1910.120. - 03/13/1991
- 1910.120 - Employees who work at hazardous waste sites who are not involved in cleanup. - 10/27/1992
- 1910.120 - Employees with previous experience and training in the removal of underground storage tanks. - 08/15/1991
- 1910.120 - EPA CERCLA regulations and site monitoring requirements of 1910.120. - 12/23/1992
- 1910.120 - Error corrected in response of Sept. 4, 1990 concerning fire hazard associated with TCE - 06/05/1991
- 1910.120 - Escape-only respirators - 09/04/2019
- 1910.120 - Fires involving spills or releases of hazardous substances - 06/17/1991
- 1910.120 - First responders, training, hazardous materials technician, etc. - 11/09/1990
- 1910.120 - Geographic definitions, multi-functional setting; refresher training. - 12/06/1991
- 1910.120 - Hazard assessments for PPE at disaster clean-up sites with multiple employers - 03/28/2024
- 1910.120 - Hazardous waste clean-up operations. - 08/12/1992
- 1910.120 - Hazardous waste operations and emergency response lapsed refresher training requirements. - 03/12/1993
- 1910.120 - Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 12/21/1994
- 1910.120 - HAZWOPER applications. - 11/19/1991
- 1910.120 - Hazwoper EPA and OSHA jurisdictional issues. - 12/18/1991
- 1910.120 - Hazwoper minimum training for an On Scene Incident Commander. - 12/24/1991
- 1910.120 - HAZWOPER requirements in the "territorial seas". - 03/10/1992
- 1910.120 - HAZWOPER safety and health plan requirements for Phase I and Phase II environmental assessments. - 09/26/2002
- 1910.120 - HAZWOPER standard's requirements for medical surveillance and training - 06/29/2012
- 1910.120 - Hazwoper training in hospitals. - 12/02/1991
- 1910.120 - HAZWOPER training requirements. - 08/27/1992
- 1910.120 - Health and safety plans for hazardous waste operations & emergency response. - 03/24/1993
- 1910.120 - Information on Polychlorobiphenyls (PCB's) in Ceiling Tiles - 11/03/1986
- 1910.120 - Maintaining Medical Records for Employees Subject to Medical Surveillance. - 06/14/1991
- 1910.120 - Management and supervisors' training required in paragraph (e)(4) of the standard. - 07/07/1994
- 1910.120 - Mandatory elements of a HAZWOPER baseline physical examination. - 04/05/2012
- 1910.120 - Manufacturing facilities with potential for exposure to hazardous waste. - 09/22/1992
- 1910.120 - Medical clearance for respirator wearers in emergency response situations. - 11/16/1994
- 1910.120 - Medical personnel exposed to patients contaminated with hazardous waste. - 03/31/1992
- 1910.120 - Medical surveillance of HAZWOPER and employer responsibility to employees. - 12/30/1991
- 1910.120 - Members of a HAZMAT team. - 01/31/1994
- 1910.120 - Minimum number of hours required for awareness level for police officers - 06/17/1991
- 1910.120 - Minnesota administers its own occupational Safety & Health Program. - 07/28/1993
- 1910.120 - On scene incident commander for Hazwoper standard. - 08/20/1991
- 1910.120 - Operations level personnel training. - 09/20/1991
- 1910.120 - Operations regulated by 40 CFR 264 and 265 must comply with 1910.120 training. - 08/28/1989
- 1910.120 - OSHA does not certify instructors in HAZWOPER. - 02/12/1992
- 1910.120 - OSHA does not cover volunteers, but EPA does in Hazardous Waste Operations. - 02/12/1992
- 1910.120 - OSHA guidance on Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) training. - 04/06/1995
- 1910.120 - OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response final rule. - 07/21/1992
- 1910.120 - OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard. - 06/27/1997
- 1910.120 - OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 08/27/1991
- 1910.120 - OSHA's jurisdiction over volunteer fire fighters. - 12/30/1991
- 1910.120 - Over-the-road vehicle operator required response to a large release. - 10/08/1991
- 1910.120 - Post closure operations and maintenance activities; training requirements of HAZWOPER. - 05/11/1992
- 1910.120 - Post Emergency Response Training Requirements - 07/01/1991
- 1910.120 - Post-emergency response and medical surveillance requirements of HAZWOPER - 08/05/1993
- 1910.120 - Protective Clothing for Firefighters - 07/08/1991
- 1910.120 - PSM compliance for ammonia refrigeration systems. - 07/12/2006
- 1910.120 - Questions of Hazwoper in a state plan state. - 09/03/1992
- 1910.120 - Refresher training and HAZWOPER. - 07/21/1992
- 1910.120 - Refresher training, supervisor training and the hazardous waste standard. - 05/13/1992
- 1910.120 - Requirements for training in hazardous waste for DOE personnel - 06/07/1991
- 1910.120 - Respiratory protection and emergency escape requirements for IDLH atmospheres. - 01/13/2003
- 1910.120 - Respiratory protection, medical surveillance, and training requirements under HAZWOPER - 09/24/2002
- 1910.120 - Response to emergency in "normal work area" definition. - 06/22/1993
- 1910.120 - Response to IDLH or Potential IDLH atmospheres. - 05/01/1995
- 1910.120 - Response to oil spills, training, and other issues of HAZWOPER. - 02/13/1992
- 1910.120 - Standards addressing excavations - 12/02/1991
- 1910.120 - Supervisor/management 8-hour training and the 8-hour refresher training. - 07/27/1992
- 1910.120 - Support zone personnel at a CERCLA thermal destruction site. - 01/26/1993
- 1910.120 - Technical interpretation of Baird & McQuire superfund cleanup site. - 03/30/1992
- 1910.120 - Texaco emergency response assistance team. - 03/24/1992
- 1910.120 - The application of the OSHA HAZWOPER standard to employers of transfer facilities. - 08/11/1995
- 1910.120 - The hazardous waste operations and emergency response regulation. - 12/30/1992
- 1910.120 - The OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) regulation. - 08/28/1995
- 1910.120 - The requirements of paragraph (m) in the OSHA HAZWOPER Standard. - 10/29/1997
- 1910.120 - The use of computer-based training to satisfy OSHA training requirements. - 11/22/1994
- 1910.120 - Towing operators skilled in operating equipment for emergency responses. - 03/27/1992
- 1910.120 - Trainer qualifications under the HAZWOPER standard. - 02/16/2010
- 1910.120 - Training and certification procedures of Hazwoper. - 05/13/1991
- 1910.120 - Training and HAZWOPER. - 12/30/1991
- 1910.120 - Training and medical requirements for hazardous waste workers. - 08/14/1992
- 1910.120 - Training and PPE requirements for hospital staff that decontaminate victims/patients. - 12/02/2002
- 1910.120 - Training for employees at CERCLA and RCRA sites. - 02/12/1992
- 1910.120 - Training for plant maintenance personnel and HAZWOPER. - 01/26/1993
- 1910.120 - Training issues and Hazwoper. - 09/11/1992
- 1910.120 - Training provisions of OSHA's HAZWOPER standard. - 01/14/1997
- 1910.120 - Training required for clean-up of hazardous waste and hazardous substances - 06/10/1991
- 1910.120 - Training required for emergency response at industrial facilities - 06/04/1991
- 1910.120 - Training requirements for drivers hauling hazardous waste - 06/07/1991
- 1910.120 - Training requirements for emergency medical service personnel. - 06/14/1991
- 1910.120 - Training requirements for emergency response medical service - 03/31/2017
- 1910.120 - Training requirements for fire investigators. - 01/06/2009
- 1910.120 - Training requirements for firefighters. - 10/02/1991
- 1910.120 - Training requirements for maintenance of housekeeping personnel. - 08/12/1992
- 1910.120 - Training requirements for on scene incident commanders in OSHA's HAZWOPER standard - 02/29/2024
- 1910.120 - Training requirements in 29 CFR 1910.120 concerning hazardous waste cleanup operations. - 04/24/1990
- 1910.120 - Training requirements of 1910.120 - 11/22/1989
- 1910.120 - Training requirements of Hazwoper for various functions. - 08/20/1991
- 1910.120 - Training requirements of HAZWOPER. - 12/04/1991
- 1910.120 - Training requirements under the HAZWOPER standard. - 10/28/2010
- 1910.120 - Training requirements under the HAZWOPER standard. - 04/19/1996
- 1910.120 - Training requirements where "low magnitude of risk of exposure to hazardous substances" exists. - 02/13/1992
- 1910.120 - Transportation of hazardous waste. - 01/14/1993
- 1910.120 - Underground Storage Tanks - 03/30/1990
- 1910.120 - Underground storage tanks and 1910.120. - 12/10/1991
- 1910.120 - Use of EPA's Health and Safety Plan (HASP) computer program. - 08/18/1992
- 1910.120 - Various questions on Hazwoper. - 10/21/1992
- 1910.120 - Various questions on OSHA standards - 09/01/1992
- 1910.120 - Vehicle operations on hazardous waste sites - 04/02/1992
- 1910.120 - Voluntary safety and health audits under the Occupational Safety and Health Act - 09/11/1996
- 1910.120 - Washington's Response to Federal Program Change (CPL 2-2.51) - 12/16/1991
- 1910.120 - Whether an employer's medical monitoring form meets the requirements under HAZWOPER. - 07/11/2011
- 1910.120 - Worker protection for employees incinerating hazardous waste on cement plant property. - 05/15/1996
- 1910.120(a) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(a) - HAZWOPER applications. - 11/19/1991
- 1910.120(a) - Requirements for emergency response and planning under the Process Safety Management Standard. - 06/24/2003
- 1910.120(a) - Site observations and writing reports and findings at hazardous waste sites. - 05/05/1992
- 1910.120(a)(1) - Clarification of HAZWOPER training requirements as they apply to an employee of the town of Windsor, VT. - 12/04/2007
- 1910.120(a)(1) - OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 08/27/1991
- 1910.120(a)(1)(i) - Applicability of 1910.120 to the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project - 12/28/1990
- 1910.120(a)(1)(iii) - Application of OSHA’s HAZWOPER standard to homeless camp cleanup operations - 07/30/2021
- 1910.120(a)(1)(iii) - Employees who work at hazardous waste sites who are not involved in cleanup. - 10/27/1992
- 1910.120(a)(1)(v) - Employee evacuation in the event of imminent Natural Phenomenon. - 06/26/1991
- 1910.120(a)(2)(i) - Application of OSHA’s HAZWOPER standard to homeless camp cleanup operations - 07/30/2021
- 1910.120(a)(2)(iii) - Applicability of HAZWOPER standard to hazardous waste generators that are not conditionally exempt as small quantity generators. - 02/01/2006
- 1910.120(a)(2)(iii) - The application of the OSHA HAZWOPER standard to employers of transfer facilities. - 08/11/1995
- 1910.120(a)(2)(iv) - Applicability of HAZWOPER to the clearing and rerailing of train cars after derailment situations. - 03/14/2012
- 1910.120(a)(3) - Application of OSHA’s HAZWOPER standard to homeless camp cleanup operations - 07/30/2021
- 1910.120(a)(3) - Cleanup of blood from crime or accident scenes and HAZWOPER training requirements - 09/06/2019
- 1910.120(a)(3) - Training requirements for emergency and post-emergency response to marine-based oil spills. - 04/16/1993
- 1910.120(a)(3) - Training requirements under 1910.120 for General firefighters and police officers - 02/21/1990
- 1910.120(b) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(b)(1)(iv) - Interpretation concerning 1910.120 requirements for air monitoring, a site safety and health plan, training, and medical surveillance - 08/19/1988
- 1910.120(b)(4) - HAZWOPER safety and health plan requirements for Phase I and Phase II environmental assessments. - 09/26/2002
- 1910.120(b)(4)(ii) - Academic training considered as equivalently trained for Hazwoper. - 08/19/1991
- 1910.120(b)(4)(ii) - HAZWOPER safety and health plan requirements for Phase I and Phase II environmental assessments. - 09/26/2002
- 1910.120(c) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(d) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(d) - HAZWOPER applications. - 11/19/1991
- 1910.120(d) - HAZWOPER safety and health plan requirements for Phase I and Phase II environmental assessments. - 09/26/2002
- 1910.120(e) - Acceptability of using computer-based (on-line) training for the HAZWOPER 40-hour classroom training. - 08/16/2004
- 1910.120(e) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(e) - Application of the training requirements under 1910.120(e) to underwater divers. - 08/31/1989
- 1910.120(e) - Clarification of HAZWOPER training requirements as they apply to an employee of the town of Windsor, VT. - 12/04/2007
- 1910.120(e) - Clarification of OSHA requirements for trainer qualifications under the HAZWOPER standard. - 09/19/2007
- 1910.120(e) - Employees who work at hazardous waste sites who are not involved in cleanup. - 10/27/1992
- 1910.120(e) - HAZWOPER applications. - 11/19/1991
- 1910.120(e) - HAZWOPER refresher training and training documentation. - 05/07/1998
- 1910.120(e) - Site observations and writing reports and findings at hazardous waste sites. - 05/05/1992
- 1910.120(e) - Training requirements for drivers hauling hazardous waste - 06/07/1991
- 1910.120(e) - Training requirements in 29 CFR 1910.120 concerning hazardous waste cleanup operations. - 04/24/1990
- 1910.120(e) - Training requirements of Hazwoper for various functions. - 08/20/1991
- 1910.120(e) - Training requirements of HAZWOPER. - 12/04/1991
- 1910.120(e)(1) - Clarification of HAZWOPER training requirements as they apply to an employee of the town of Windsor, VT. - 12/04/2007
- 1910.120(e)(1) - Training requirements for drivers hauling hazardous waste - 06/07/1991
- 1910.120(e)(2) - Academic training considered as equivalently trained for Hazwoper. - 08/19/1991
- 1910.120(e)(2) - Clarification of HAZWOPER training requirements as they apply to an employee of the town of Windsor, VT. - 12/04/2007
- 1910.120(e)(2) - HAZWOPER refresher training and training documentation. - 05/07/1998
- 1910.120(e)(2) - Training requirements for drivers hauling hazardous waste - 06/07/1991
- 1910.120(e)(2) - Training requirements in the hazardous waste interim final rule, 1910.120(e)(2) and (3). - 06/29/1987
- 1910.120(e)(3) - Clarification of HAZWOPER training requirements as they apply to an employee of the town of Windsor, VT. - 12/04/2007
- 1910.120(e)(3) - Cleanup of blood from crime or accident scenes and HAZWOPER training requirements - 09/06/2019
- 1910.120(e)(3) - Hands-on training requirements of the OSHA HAZWOPER - 04/23/2021
- 1910.120(e)(3) - Training requirements for drivers hauling hazardous waste - 06/07/1991
- 1910.120(e)(3) - Training requirements in the hazardous waste interim final rule, 1910.120(e)(2) and (3). - 06/29/1987
- 1910.120(e)(3)(ii) - Clarification on first aid requirements for hazardous waste sites. - 04/20/1993
- 1910.120(e)(3)(ii) - HAZWOPER applications. - 11/19/1991
- 1910.120(e)(4) - Clarification of HAZWOPER training requirements as they apply to an employee of the town of Windsor, VT. - 12/04/2007
- 1910.120(e)(4) - Cleanup of blood from crime or accident scenes and HAZWOPER training requirements - 09/06/2019
- 1910.120(e)(4) - Training requirements for drivers hauling hazardous waste - 06/07/1991
- 1910.120(e)(5) - Clarification of OSHA requirements for trainer qualifications under the HAZWOPER standard. - 09/19/2007
- 1910.120(e)(6) - Cost of training is the employer's responsibility. - 06/25/1991
- 1910.120(e)(6) - Training requirements of HAZWOPER. - 12/04/1991
- 1910.120(e)(8) - HAZWOPER refresher training and training documentation. - 05/07/1998
- 1910.120(e)(8) - Web-based HAZWOPER refresher training: hands-on training and trainer accessibility. - 10/20/1999
- 1910.120(e)(9) - Academic training considered as equivalently trained for Hazwoper. - 08/19/1991
- 1910.120(e)(9) - Certifying employees as equivalently trained in hazardous waste operations - 06/12/1991
- 1910.120(e)(9) - Clarification of HAZWOPER training requirements as they apply to an employee of the town of Windsor, VT. - 12/04/2007
- 1910.120(e)(9) - Training requirements for drivers hauling hazardous waste - 06/07/1991
- 1910.120(e)(9) - Training requirements of Hazwoper for various functions. - 08/20/1991
- 1910.120(f) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(f) - Training requirements of Hazwoper for various functions. - 08/20/1991
- 1910.120(f)(3) - Training requirements of Hazwoper for various functions. - 08/20/1991
- 1910.120(f)(3)(ii) - Mandatory elements of a HAZWOPER baseline physical examination. - 04/05/2012
- 1910.120(f)(4)(i) - Mandatory elements of a HAZWOPER baseline physical examination. - 04/05/2012
- 1910.120(f)(5) - HAZWOPER medical examinations must be offered at a reasonable time and without cost to the employee - 09/25/2002
- 1910.120(f)(7) - Whether an employer's medical monitoring form meets the requirements under HAZWOPER. - 07/11/2011
- 1910.120(h) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(i) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(j) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(j) - Interpretation on requirements for opening drums in a safe manner. - 02/01/1987
- 1910.120(k) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(k) - Decontamination of equipment used on hazardous waste sites. - 01/28/1991
- 1910.120(l) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(l)(2)(viii) - Clarification on first aid requirements for hazardous waste sites. - 04/20/1993
- 1910.120(m) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(n) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(n)(3) - Clarification of mobile workers and sanitation facility requirements under HAZWOPER. - 03/11/2011
- 1910.120(o) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(p) - Maintenance employees having regular duties in permitted areas are covered by 1910.120(p) - 02/13/1991
- 1910.120(p) - The application of the OSHA HAZWOPER standard to employers of transfer facilities. - 08/11/1995
- 1910.120(p) - Training requirements of Hazwoper for various functions. - 08/20/1991
- 1910.120(p)(1) - The application of the OSHA HAZWOPER standard to employers of transfer facilities. - 08/11/1995
- 1910.120(p)(1) - Training requirements for employees in food storage facility where ammonia is used solely as a refrigerant. - 05/10/1991
- 1910.120(p)(2) - Applicability of 1910.120(p)(2) to a RCRA TSD hazardous waste site handling PCB's - 02/15/1991
- 1910.120(p)(7) - Training requirements for employees doing occasional maintenance or repair work on a disposal site - 07/18/1990
- 1910.120(p)(7) - Training requirements for employees in food storage facility where ammonia is used solely as a refrigerant. - 05/10/1991
- 1910.120(p)(8) - The application of the OSHA HAZWOPER standard to employers of transfer facilities. - 08/11/1995
- 1910.120(p)(8) - Training requirements for employees in food storage facility where ammonia is used solely as a refrigerant. - 05/10/1991
- 1910.120(q) - What constitutes an emergency response or incidental release of anhydrous ammonia - 10/02/2017
- 1910.120(q) - Applicability of HAZWOPER to the clearing and rerailing of train cars after derailment situations. - 03/14/2012
- 1910.120(q) - Application of HAZWOPER (1910.120) to terrorist and weapons of mass destruction incident responses. - 11/24/2003
- 1910.120(q) - Application of the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard to Specific Operations - 07/25/1990
- 1910.120(q) - Clarification of HAZWOPER training requirements as they apply to an employee of the town of Windsor, VT. - 12/04/2007
- 1910.120(q) - Emergency response procedures for radioactive materials - 06/12/1991
- 1910.120(q) - Employee emergency alarm systems. - 01/23/1991
- 1910.120(q) - EPA Fact sheet "Emergency Responder Agreements". - 04/07/1992
- 1910.120(q) - Hazwoper training in hospitals. - 12/02/1991
- 1910.120(q) - LOTO of hydraulic systems; postal workers' exposure to hazardous material spills. - 11/10/1999
- 1910.120(q) - OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 08/27/1991
- 1910.120(q) - Over-the-road vehicle operator required response to a large release. - 10/08/1991
- 1910.120(q) - Requirements for annual refresher training under OSHA's HAZWOPER standard. - 07/25/2007
- 1910.120(q) - Requirements for emergency response and planning under the Process Safety Management Standard. - 06/24/2003
- 1910.120(q) - Respiratory protection requirements for hospital staff decontaminating chemically contaminated patients. - 09/05/2002
- 1910.120(q) - Training and certification procedures of Hazwoper. - 05/13/1991
- 1910.120(q) - Training and PPE requirements for hospital staff that decontaminate victims/patients. - 12/02/2002
- 1910.120(q) - Training requirements for employees in food storage facility where ammonia is used solely as a refrigerant. - 05/10/1991
- 1910.120(q) - Training requirements of Hazwoper for various functions. - 08/20/1991
- 1910.120(q) - Transportation of hazardous waste. - 01/14/1993
- 1910.120(q) - Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico. - 05/13/1992
- 1910.120(q)(1) - Emergency response in the trucking industry - 04/03/1991
- 1910.120(q)(1) - Employee evacuation in the event of imminent Natural Phenomenon. - 06/26/1991
- 1910.120(q)(1) - OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 08/27/1991
- 1910.120(q)(1) - Over-the-road vehicle operator required response to a large release. - 10/08/1991
- 1910.120(q)(1) - Requirements for emergency response and planning under the Process Safety Management Standard. - 06/24/2003
- 1910.120(q)(1) - Training and HAZWOPER. - 12/30/1991
- 1910.120(q)(11) - Applicability of HAZWOPER to the clearing and rerailing of train cars after derailment situations. - 03/14/2012
- 1910.120(q)(11) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(q)(11) - Clarification of the HAZWOPER standard to employees engaged in the cleanup of blood from crimes or trauma incidents - 12/15/2020
- 1910.120(q)(11) - Cleanup of blood from crime or accident scenes and HAZWOPER training requirements - 09/06/2019
- 1910.120(q)(11) - Full time contract personnel at plant facility considered "workplace employees" - 10/23/1990
- 1910.120(q)(11)(i) - Training requirements of Hazwoper for various functions. - 08/20/1991
- 1910.120(q)(11)(ii) - Training requirements for post-emergency response operations - 02/25/1991
- 1910.120(q)(11)(ii) - Training requirements of Hazwoper for various functions. - 08/20/1991
- 1910.120(q)(3) - Respiratory protection and emergency escape requirements for IDLH atmospheres. - 01/13/2003
- 1910.120(q)(3) - Respiratory protection requirements for hospital staff decontaminating chemically contaminated patients. - 09/05/2002
- 1910.120(q)(3) - Training and PPE requirements for hospital staff that decontaminate victims/patients. - 12/02/2002
- 1910.120(q)(3)(iv) - Emergency response in the trucking industry - 04/03/1991
- 1910.120(q)(3)(iv) - Respiratory protection requirements for hospital staff decontaminating chemically contaminated patients. - 09/05/2002
- 1910.120(q)(3)(iv) - Training and PPE requirements for hospital staff that decontaminate victims/patients. - 12/02/2002
- 1910.120(q)(3)(vi) - Advance First-aid Requirements of 1910.120 - 07/17/1991
- 1910.120(q)(3)(vi) - Interim response to the intent of "advance first-aid" mentioned in 1910.120(q)(3)(vi). - 05/03/1990
- 1910.120(q)(3)(vii) - Emergency response in the trucking industry - 04/03/1991
- 1910.120(q)(3)(x) - SCBA cylinder interchangeability. - 06/20/1997
- 1910.120(q)(4) - Applicability of HAZWOPER to the clearing and rerailing of train cars after derailment situations. - 03/14/2012
- 1910.120(q)(5) - Application of OSHA's final standard for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. - 07/28/1989
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Applicability of HAZWOPER to the clearing and rerailing of train cars after derailment situations. - 03/14/2012
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Application of 1910.120 to home heating oil. - 10/11/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Clarification of the HAZWOPER standard to employees engaged in the cleanup of blood from crimes or trauma incidents - 12/15/2020
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Cleanup of blood from crime or accident scenes and HAZWOPER training requirements - 09/06/2019
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Emergency response in the trucking industry - 04/03/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Emergency response training necessary for hospital physicians/nurses that may treat contaminated patients. - 03/10/1999
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Employee evacuation in the event of imminent Natural Phenomenon. - 06/26/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Hazwoper training for security guards; documentation necessary when training varies. - 05/18/2001
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Requirements for annual refresher training under OSHA's HAZWOPER standard. - 07/25/2007
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Training and PPE requirements for hospital staff that decontaminate victims/patients. - 12/02/2002
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Training requirements for emergency and post-emergency response to marine-based oil spills. - 04/16/1993
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Training requirements for emergency response medical service - 03/31/2017
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Training requirements for fire investigators. - 01/06/2009
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Training requirements for firefighters. - 10/02/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Training requirements for on scene incident commanders in OSHA's HAZWOPER standard - 02/29/2024
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Training requirements under 1910.120 for General firefighters and police officers - 02/21/1990
- 1910.120(q)(6) - Whether firefighters trained to the HAZWOPER awareness level can respond to emergency releases of hazardous substances. - 03/14/2007
- 1910.120(q)(6)(i) - Clarification of CPL 02-02-073 as it pertains to emergency response training for firefighters. - 11/07/2008
- 1910.120(q)(6)(i) - Respiratory protection, medical surveillance, and training requirements under HAZWOPER - 09/24/2002
- 1910.120(q)(6)(i) - Training requirements for emergency response medical service - 03/31/2017
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - Application of 1910.120 to home heating oil. - 10/11/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - Clarification of CPL 02-02-073 as it pertains to emergency response training for firefighters. - 11/07/2008
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - Clarification of HAZWOPER training requirements as they apply to an employee of the town of Windsor, VT. - 12/04/2007
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - Firefighter training requirements to respond to emergency releases, or potential emergency releases, of hazardous substance. - 08/01/2003
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - First responders, training, hazardous materials technician, etc. - 11/09/1990
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - Process operators' training requirements to take limited action in stopping an emergency release; role in an incident command system. - 02/14/2004
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - Requirements for annual refresher training under OSHA's HAZWOPER standard. - 07/25/2007
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - Requirements for emergency response and planning under the Process Safety Management Standard. - 06/24/2003
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - Respiratory protection, medical surveillance, and training requirements under HAZWOPER - 09/24/2002
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - Training and HAZWOPER. - 12/30/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - Training and PPE requirements for hospital staff that decontaminate victims/patients. - 12/02/2002
- 1910.120(q)(6)(ii) - Training requirements for firefighters. - 10/02/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6)(iii) - Application of 1910.120 to home heating oil. - 10/11/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6)(iii) - Clarification of CPL 02-02-073 as it pertains to emergency response training for firefighters. - 11/07/2008
- 1910.120(q)(6)(iii) - First responders, training, hazardous materials technician, etc. - 11/09/1990
- 1910.120(q)(6)(iii) - Requirements for annual refresher training under OSHA's HAZWOPER standard. - 07/25/2007
- 1910.120(q)(6)(iii) - Requirements for emergency response and planning under the Process Safety Management Standard. - 06/24/2003
- 1910.120(q)(6)(iii) - Training and HAZWOPER. - 12/30/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6)(iii) - Training requirements for emergency and post-emergency response to marine-based oil spills. - 04/16/1993
- 1910.120(q)(6)(iii) - Training requirements for employees in food storage facility where ammonia is used solely as a refrigerant. - 05/10/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6)(iii) - Use of a "hybrid" course to meet training requirements for both a general site worker and a hazardous materials technician under HAZWOPER. - 04/28/2008
- 1910.120(q)(6)(iii)(D) - Use of a "hybrid" course to meet training requirements for both a general site worker and a hazardous materials technician under HAZWOPER. - 04/28/2008
- 1910.120(q)(6)(v) - Training and certification procedures of Hazwoper. - 05/13/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6)(v) - Training requirements for employees in food storage facility where ammonia is used solely as a refrigerant. - 05/10/1991
- 1910.120(q)(6)(v) - Training requirements for on scene incident commanders in OSHA's HAZWOPER standard - 02/29/2024
- 1910.120(q)(7) - Training and certification procedures of Hazwoper. - 05/13/1991
- 1910.120(q)(8) - Emergency response training necessary for hospital physicians/nurses that may treat contaminated patients. - 03/10/1999
- 1910.120(q)(8) - Requirements for annual refresher training under OSHA's HAZWOPER standard. - 07/25/2007
- 1910.120(q)(8) - Respiratory protection, medical surveillance, and training requirements under HAZWOPER - 09/24/2002
- 1910.120(q)(8) - Training and certification procedures of Hazwoper. - 05/13/1991
- 1910.120(q)(9)(i) - Clarification of whether an employee can opt out of medical surveillance examinations under the HAZWOPER standard, 29 CFR 1910.120. - 03/03/2008
- 1910.120(q)(9)(i) - Mandatory elements of a HAZWOPER baseline physical examination. - 04/05/2012